In a world where wings give everyone the freedom to fly, an artist born wingless uses her art to show the winged world the wonder of the ground. But when she meets a recently injured police officer who finds himself grounded, they will both learn that there is more than one way to soar.
I really love how this story came together, and all the world-building that was necessary for a world in which most people have wings. How do chairs work in that instance? How do clothes work? How do winged bodies work? What metaphors do they use in language?
What challenges are faced by people who can’t fly?
Huge thanks to those who read the novella version of it, especially Julia Svagonovic for her insights, and Heather Edwards for her feedback.
Buy Grounded from Escape Publishing or check the Books2Read links!
Other Grounded short fiction
“Untethered” is a short story set after the events of Grounded.
Grounded is one of the best paranormal romances I’ve read. It is smart and sweet, with some fantastic worldbuilding and genuine warmth between the characters.~Elizabeth Fitzgerald, Earl Grey Editing
Loved the storyline, characters, and the lovin! The themes of disability/ accessibility were a welcome breath of fresh air~ Stephanie Livingston-Bujold
A sweet, empowering tale of renewal.~ D. Antonio, Amazon
Grounded interviews
- Renee Dahlia interviewed me about Grounded and the worst thing to put in a piñata .
- I’ve written a guest post for Leisl Leighton about building the world of Grounded – from rethinking furniture and biology to the concept of ‘wingspan’.
- Making wingspan in a wind-tossed world is the post I wrote for the BookBaybz, about the language of living in a winged world – common sayings, metaphors and vernacular to bring this alternative world to life.
- Darlene Fredette hosted a Q&A for me on her Finding the Write Words site – I talk about my writing and reading habits and inspirations.
Escape has previously published my erotic short story, Sky High, Bone Deep (writing as N.M. Harris)