I was looking at all my recent publications and realised what a big Holmesian year I’m having! Of course I’ve written tons of Holmes fanfic and short stories, and this year I’ve played around with some self-publishing of small Holmes tales, to learn that process – so all up I’ve had FOUR Holmesian books come out this year!!!
If you’ve loved my other Sherlock Holmes fic, it would mean a lot to me (and my publisher!) if you checked out my Holmes books! And if you’re strapped for cash, I always need reviewers – especially for the most recent books, which are:
The Swordmaster’s Secret and Other Stories: a collection of stories set after the events of The Adventure of the Colonial Boy.
The She-Wolf of Baker Street: a novel about werewolf Mrs Hudson in contemporary London, described by one reviewer as ‘brilliantly executed’.
Sherlock is a Girl’s Name: an anthology of stories about female Holmeses, co-edited with @atlinmerrick and featuring stories by Atlin and me, Verity Burns and a bunch of other marvellous (and some award-winning) writers
The Haunting of Baker Street: a wee little ebook of 221bs of ghost!Sherlock and John haunting Baker Street and eventually teaming up with the new tenants to solve a crime!
And if you haven’t read them already, you can also check out (or review):
The Only One in the World: an anthology of stories where Holmes and/or Watson are from different cultural background – including Indian, Irish, Australian, Viking, Japanese, Polish and more!
The Adventure of the Colonial Boy: a novel set when the world thinks Holmes is dead. JOhn gets a telegram out of the blue to meet Holmes in Australia. They have a lot to sort out – from catching a killer to confessing their love – in the colonial outback!
A Dream to Build a Kiss On: a contemporary take on Holmes and Watson, told as a series of 221bs.
Please contact me, too, if you’re a reviewer and would like an ebook to review on Goodreads/your blog/Amazon etc!
Thank you in advance for all your past support, and any new support (even reblogging!) It all helps this writer make a living!