What’s going on with Narrelle right now? Why, this of course!
New book! Tales of the Minstrel Tongue

Tales of the Minstrel Tongue is my lateste mini-book, containing 4 short stories from the world of Kitty & Cadaver, where a band uses ‘the minstrel tongue’ (the gift of wielding magic through music) to fight evil.
The four stories are:
- “Hoorfrost” (minstrels joining forces in 13thC London to end an unnatural winter)
- “Stitch and Witch” (yarn crafters trapping a demon)
- “The Blue Hour” (a muso returning home to right an accidental wrong)
- “The Harp’s Voice” about a girl & her raven (a prequel to what is meant to be the second book in the Kittyverse).
Find it in ebook or paperback via the Books2Read link at: https://books2read.com/u/3kkWKO
Or get the ebook at my Ko-Fi store: https://ko-fi.com/s/a71878795a
I’ll be adding the paperback to Ko-Fi as soon as I’ve worked out those logistics!

The Pelagic Zone: Uncharted Waters
“Hallowed be Thy Name”. my story about a witch and a mermaid who has lost her name is in The Pelagic Zone: Uncharted Waters, available now in ebook from Amazon – coming soon in paperback – from Jay Henge!

The Time Machine: Australia Bound
I’m very pleased to announce that pre-orders are now available for the anthology, The Time Time: Australia Bound, full of stories featuring HG Wells’ amazing conveyance being used, and misused, in Australia!
The book will be available in both paperback and a limited-edition hardcover. Each copy of the hardcover version will be signed by the authors: Christopher Sequeira, Angela Meyer, Lucy Suxxes, Kaaron Warrren, Jason Franks, Carmel Bird, DMetri Kakmi, Webb, Robert Hood, Bryce Stevens, Alan Baxter, Bill Congreve, Alf Simpson, Cat Sparks, Gerry Huntman, Raymond Gates – and me – with an introduction by John Birmingham.
My story, “Souvenir”, features a woman dedicated to the arts… and to catching all the performances and exhibitions she missed through not being around at the time. It’s a great idea until it all gets out of hand…
Pre-order now at PS Publishing for:
A Spirited and Most Courageous Prince
Those who have met me will know I have a bit of a thing for historical Richard the Third (as well as Shakespeare’s play).

You may like to know I’ve written a Richard III alternative history story called “Borrowed Robes” for the anthology, A Spirited and Most Courageous Prince – the proceeds of which go to Scoliosis Support & Research UK.
‘Borrowed Robes’ is the story of a contemporary theatre company rehearsing Shakepeare’s play about the Good King Richard, and speculating what their world might look like if he’d lost the battle of Bosworth.
A Spirited and Most Courageous Prince was released on 2 October – King Richard’s birthday, and features a foreword by the actor Robert Lindsay, who became a Ricardian after he played Shakespeare’s version of the character. (And it’s a delight to me that he references my story in his foreword!)
The ebook and paperback are both available through Amazon
When the Rose Speaks Its Name

This new queer-themed Sherlock Holmes anthology that is raising funds for ar-risk LGBTQ youth in the UK, via akt.
Contributing authors include the splendid Atlin Merrick as well as EC Boss, Linda M. Crate, Anna Graham Doe, Larc Enciel, Alexandra Fox, S.C. Fraser, Sam Gracie, N. Holmes, LF Howard, Lilith Inkwell, Lisbeth King, SM Lawson, S.J. Lock, Bertie M., CS McGuigan, Jaco Mismeander, N.J. Mowry, Eleanor Newell, Holland Parker, Shai Porter, Kyndall Potts, Calais Reno, Em Rowene, Ronit SilverSeeker, Rita Smith, SC Taylor, Booker Wegner & Carissa Wing. The cover is by Anke Eissmann (Khorazir) who, along with chained‑to‑the‑mirror & gooolabatooo, provides interior art.
My stories are adapted from two small chapters of The Haunting of Baker Street, and there is a rich tapestry of other stories set in different times and places.
It’s available as an ebook across various platforms and as a paperback via Lulu. See whentherosespeaks.com/book for links.