If you’re looking for some light reading this holiday break, you might like to try one of these new mini-books I published this year!
Two of the books contain stories set in existing universes, and the third, The Haunting of Baker Street, is a brand new set of canon-era Holmes♥Watson stories set in modern London!
Follow the heading links to learn a little more!

Tales of the Minstrel Tongue
(Set in the ‘Kittyverse’ of Kitty and Cadaver)
Stories from the 13th C to modern day about people who use music and craft as magic.
“Everything in these short stories is cleverly used and manipulated to create what might feel like a dark story, but it is exquisitely done, and I wanted more, because there were so many layers to unpack and explore, and they have made me want to track down Kitty and Cadaver…” The Book Muse
The Haunting of Baker Street (ebook only)

It’s the 21st C and Holmes and Watson may be long dead, but that doesn’t mean they’ve stopped solving crime!
“A charming short piece from one of my favourite storytellers. I love how Narrelle uses the 221B format. It should feel like a limitation imposed on a story, but in Narrelle’s hands it blooms into a wonderful clarity.” ~ Julie Bozza, Goodreads.
“I love this version of Holmes and Watson continuing beyond their deaths. The ficlet idea is charming and so is the storytelling.” ~ Suzy Cooper, Goodreads
“What fun! I love Narrelle Harris’ ‘Johnlock’ stories, and this one has Holmes & Watson haunting their old rooms at 221B Baker Street, upsetting various tenants with poltergeist activity, and finally finding a receptive audience in lesbian couple Martie and Caitlyn […] Wonderful stuff, and all very cleverly written in a series of ‘221B’ format short stories.” ~ Rosie B, Amazon
The Swordmaster’s Secret and Other Stories: the Further Adventures of the Colonial Boy

Stories set after Holmes and Watson return to London at the end of The Adventure of the Colonial Boy.
“It’s a short book, but highlights what can be done with a limited number of words. These short stories capture so much within them, giving readers a glimpse into the world of Sherlock Holmes beyond what we already know”. ~ The Book Muse
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