I am absolutely delighted to see that This Fresh Hell has been nominated for a Ditmar Award under the Best Collection category!

Congratulations to my fellow editor Katya de Becerra and to all the writers – A.J. Vrana, Annie McCann, C. Vonzale Lewis, Candace Robinson, Chuck McKenzie, Claire L. Smith, Claire Low, Clare E. Rhoden, Elle Beaumont, Eugen Bacon, Gillian Polack, Greg Herren, Jason Franks, L.J.M. Owen, Raymond Gates, Sarah Glenn Marsh, Sarah Robinson-Hatch, and Tansy Rayner Roberts – on this acknowledgement of the hard work and tales with a twist they brought to the anthology.
If you haven’t read it yet, pick up a copy now, from:
- Clan Destine Press (Australia)
- Improbable Press (US)
- A range of other stores (Books2Read)
What reviewers have said:
- “So good i had to write to the publisher and tell them what an outstanding piece of work this is” — Mitchell
- “Thrillingly subversive anthology… inventive and innovative” — Elaine Chennatt
- “Made me want so much more Strayan [Australian] horror” — Nisha-Anne
What are the Ditmar Awards?
For those unfamiliar with the Ditmars, they are the Australian SF community’s awards for achievements in science fiction, fantasy, horror, fan publications and criticism/review – first awarded at the National SF convention in 1969. They’re named for Australian fan and artist, Martin James Ditmar “Dick” Jenssen, who supported the awards in their earliest years.
Voting in the Ditmars
The members of several Australian conventions in the last year are eligible to vote in the ballot that decides the winners. If you’re not sure about your eligibility, the voting criteria outline is at: https://wiki.sf.org.au/index.php/Ditmar_rules
If you’re eligible to vote, you can either email your vote to ditmars@sf.org.au or vote online at https://ditmars.sf.org.au/2024.